The trailer of Mahesh Babu's 'Sarakaru Vaari Paata' is released and became viral. Though there are some let downs with double meaning dialogues, on a whole the trailer is griping. Looking at the situation in Tollwyood, there seems to be some favorable factors for this film.
It has been two years that Mahesh Babu's film was released. On the other hand RRR and KGF2 turned out to be big hits but there is no regular wholesome entertainment in those films.
As many thought that Radhe Shyam would arrive with a package of romance and comedy, it ended up differently. 'Bheemla Nayak' also came up with power packed scenes but not as a regular entertainer
So, looking at the trailer, Mahesh Babu's 'Sarkaru vaari Paata; seems to be a wholesome entertainer. Family audience may show their interest to gush to theatres after a long time. The summers season is also another advantage here.
If the film works out with minimum guarantee content, then it can rule at the box office. We have to see what is in store in the film finally.