Wise men say that repeated failures may turn the man mild or wild depending on his mental anguish. Now, here is one actor who has been tasting defeat since a very long time but then that has not stopped him from throwing his weight around and shows his starry tantrums. He is none other than Uday Kiran, the erstwhile heartthrob of Andhra Pradesh.
Though his career graph has been dwindling with each passing day, it is heard that he has not lost an ounce of his attitude and tends to behave like a hot star who has been endowed with numerous hits. He is said to be expecting a lot of attention wherever he goes and whatever he does which is quite an irking thing.
Perhaps this could be one major reason why Uday has not been able to score well with his projects and also with those in the industry. It is about time Uday starts realizing the ground level reality of his position and then take things forward else it will not be long before he will have to bite the dust.