When a hit happens, everyone takes responsibility. When a film flops, no one takes responsibility and the blame is passed around.
In case of Kick 2 that released last week, all blame has been directed towards the film's director Surender Reddy.
Well, a director is the one who has to be responsible for the entire movie as he is the one who brings together all departments. So when a film flops, all blame goes to him.
In fact, the hero of the film has made it very clear that the director could not gauge the film which resulted in the film's debacle.
As for the producer he says mis-casting led to the film failing at the box office. Of course, the film's release was postponed for nearly two months and this too impacted its fate.
While everyone feels that Surender Reddy is to be solely blamed for the way Kick 2 has come up, the director's lobby gently reminds that the delay in release did have its own consequences.
Also, they say that while the director has to take responsibility, why is the writer of the story out of the equation completely. Prior to the film's release, there was lot of hype about the writer and it was said that Kick 2 would start off franchise culture in Telugu.
The film released and it flopped by turn of the week. And since then, no one, but Surender Reddy is being blamed for the film's disastrous performance.
And the director's lobby says that equal blame also goes to the writer whose story was rejected outright by the audiences.
Well, we only present the facts and it is for the audiences to decide who has to take the final blame. And going by the collections of Kick 2, they have surely shown that they cannot be taken for granted by making a movie out of a really bad story.