Director VV Vinayak is now a much sought after man, particularly after the stupendous success of his latest film 'Krishna' with Ravi Teja. Vinayak's name is being mentioned very prominently as to be the one to most likely direct Chiranjeevi for his 149th film.
However, there is no official announcement about the film. The delay is being attributed to the non-confirmation of Vinayak. The director has not yet given his nod to direct the film.
The story is not yet ready. It is normally Vinayak who plans the story for all his films. And if the story is some others, then Vinayak expects complete freedom in direction. But in Chiranjeevi's case, it is an altogether different matter. It is well known that there was a lot of interference for 'Tagore' as that was not his own story.
Vinayak is a fiercely independent director and he does not like anyone to interfere in his work. But he cannot expect this with Chiranjeevi's film. It has also come to light that Allu Aravind is putting a lot of pressure on Vinayak to accept the film. He is in fact forcing Vinayak to take up the film with Chiranjeevi and also complete it quickly. We have to see what happens to this 'Adhinayakudu'.