Overseas trade is abuzz with the rumors that UV Creations has been asking for an unbelievable price for the overseas distribution rights of their upcoming film Bhagmathi.
When a distributor offered 4 crore for the rights, UVC has shockingly turned down the offer saying that they were expecting 7 crore from the territory.
Bhagmathi is neither a period film nor a high budget graphics extravaganza. It is a plain thriller with Anushka playing the main lead. It neither has a popular director at the helm.
Pilla Zamindar fame Ashok is directing this lady oriented thriller, which is said to have an interesting plotline.
UV Creations have made a name for themselves by bankrolling some interesting ideas. Hence, buyers are naturally attracted to bag the rights of their films.
4 crore is a superb deal for an Anushka starrer, but the makers feel their film has the potential to do 1.5 Million Dollars business in USA.
For starters, the overseas rights of a star-studded, high-budget movie like Janatha Garage was sold for 7 crore in overseas.
Looks like UV Creations believe that Bhagmathi is worth the hefty price tag. They have a distribution wing in overseas and maybe they are planning to release it on their own if no one comes forward to pay the asking price.