It is a common scenario that when lovers get married, the girl begins to have a set of conditions to the boy. As such, the boy has no choice except to nod his head for all.
Right now, one pair of love birds are going through this phase and these are no ordinary couple.
We are talking about Ramcharan Tej and Upasana Kamineni. Common friends of both reveal “Upasana is listing out the regulations to Cherry before they enter into marital life. She has only one condition- Cherry should not enter into politics.”
The friends added “In her words, Upasana said ‘Don’t go to politics and get scratched. I know you followed your daddy in film line but don’t follow him into politics. If you want, get into business and we have enough things and wealth to take care. But don’t even think about politics’. As such, Cherry is keen on gaining his father’s throne of Tollywood so politics might be on the backburner for now.”