This is the hot news from Kollywood that Trisha is going to get married at any cost in the year 2010. Her mother Uma Krishnan is seriously in search of grooms and she also shared Trisha’s horoscope with all her friends. It is said that she is more worried about Trisha as she is frequently hitting pubs these days and getting exposed to public. She wants to get a suitable boy for her and cut down her private activities. Uma Krishnan is also particular in caste-matters and looking out for a Brahmin guy to her. On the other hand Trisha is bluntly saying ‘no’ for marriage and asking for 2 more years to finish off her assignments. She is now in peak of her career and also acting in Hindi film ‘Khatta Meeta’. She is almost charging Rs 1 Cr for any south Indian movie. Is it necessary for Trisha to get married so soon? Uma Aunty!! Please think again….