Well, some diseases are passed on from generation to generation like sugar and heart disease.
Though Nayantara has no such problems, she is said to develop rashes when she eats something that does not go well with her system.
Apparently, she immediately has rashes and her entire body will be covered with red marks at the time.
Poor Nayantara hasn’t been able to figure out what is causing the rashes as she has no family history. In fact, neither her mother, grandmother nor her father has such a problem.
Nayanatara says she first had a bout of rashes when she was in second class when she ate a cake at her friend’s birthday party. Ever since, she has been facing the problem.
When she takes regular treatment, she says they vanish within two days. During the shooting of Sriramarajyam, the shooting had to be stalled due to her problem. However, Nayanatara is happy that she did not face the problem since then.
Well, we hope she soon finds a cure for her problem.