There was a time when Ram Gopal Varma’s name was synonymous with sensationalism. If there is one director who has immense fan following irrespective of failure and success, then it is Varma.
But that was in the past. Almost all his films in the recent past have been flops. However, more than his failure, his fans are disappointed with the way he is handling his films and the path he is treading.
His formula is rather simple. He spots a trend, makes a film and then disappears from public domain till he gets excited about another project.
He had plans to make a film titled Reddygaru Poyaru and Andam. Both the projects didn’t take off. Now, he is said to be planning a film with the title Jana Sena.
Naturally, with such flippant ways, he is losing his credibility among his fans.
Many are wondering if he is the same guy who made many hit films in the past. Time that Varma gave some thought to this.