We all know that Pawan Kalyan's Twitter account has been hacked. The actor himself has sent a press note alleging that his account has been hacked which is why he couldn’t access it anymore.
With no suspicious activity on his Twitter account, people were like “This hacker seems to be a nice guy. He has hacked one of the popular South cinema celebrity’s Twitter account and remaining mum about it.”
Hackers simply don’t sit tight after hacking a celeb’s account. They will post all kinds of nonsense to announce/celebrate their achievement. But Pawan’s Twitter account remained inactive since May 8.
There isn’t anything suspicious about it. So it is pretty clear that his account isn’t hacked. Then what is the fuss about?
Here’s the scoop. The person who used to maintain Pawan’s Twitter duties has been sacked. The said person has all the credentials of Pawan’s Twitter account including email id and mobile number. So Pawan Kalyan couldn’t change or retrieve the password which is why he couldn’t access it anymore.
The said employee is furious at Pawan for sacking him that he changed the password before leaving. He’s currently not reachable to anybody.
If the story has any truth to it, the person seems to be a nice guy as he didn’t post a single derogatory tweet to date. Or maybe he is too scared to post a tweet as cyber crime department would trace him down.
Right now Pawan’s team has two options… either to find that guy or suspend the current account and open a new one.