Hyderabad: He is one of the few directors who mesmerize everyone with his creative ideas. He hasn't made many films in his career so far but has made some unforgettable classics already.
He keeps on switching between the genres and shows immense command over any genre. Even the top directors feel jealous of talent. However, even the creative minds will have some or the other weakness. This director too has one.
As per grapevine, this director is a big drunkard. He continuously drinks from evening till midnight. He will have discussions with his direction department during this time.
But he forgets most of it by the morning and comes up with newer ideas for the same scenes that were finalized last night. His direction department has to make immediate arrangements as per the changed scene.
He will get irritated and walks off the sets if anyone tries to argue with him. Any scene that he conceives will be very impressive that there won’t be any negative impact on the output.
People close to him say that he can be the number one director in India if he gets over his drinking addiction.