Manchu Manoj and Mahat Ragahvendra fought wildly and the latter filed a complaint at police stating that Manoj battered him badly. All this happened in Chennai and the Tamil media made it a big hue and cry. Well, it is gossiped that Tapsee has been dating Mahat and a tiff took place between Manoj and Mahat in this issue. Of course, Manoj condemned any affair with Tapsee but stated that she is like her sister. What resulted in fight was not clearly known.
But on a whole when two men fight for a lady, the advantage of popularity will be for the lady. Thus Tapsee became a hot property for advertisers and companies in Chennai.
A Chennai based textile and jewelry group approached Tapsee to endorse their brand. She quoted a cool Rs 1 Cr and surprisingly the group agreed without any negotiation. This is almost 5 times of her actual price in market at present.
So, behind the success of a man there may be a woman, but behind the success of a woman there will be two men.