After falling in love and marrying a famous dance master’s daughter, Naresh fell for the grand daughter of a famous writer and he left his first wife. Now, his eyes fell on the daughter of Minister Raghuveera Reddy’s close relative and he left his second wife to get married for the third time. Seeing all this, mommy Vijayanirmala is unable to open her mouth since she left her first husband to marry superstar Krishna. News is that Naresh is taking advantage of that.
Anyhow…which mother can control a son who is nearing 50 years of age. Despite touching such an age, Naresh does his best to look 25 by controlling his mouth and his physique. If not for society, atleast for his children, he should control his heart. But is he so ignorant that someone has to remind him about all this?
Why is Naresh not thinking that just like the way he has taken advantage of his mother’s second marriage, even his children might take the same advantage in the future.