The demonetisation of the rupee has turned out to be a huge headache for the common man while the black money holders are searching for ways to save their unaccounted money.
We have been hearing reports about the influential people buying off gold and other valuables in the black market with the devalued currency.
As per rumor mills, one of the top stars of Tollywood also has bought 5 crore worth gold right after he got the news about the scrapping of high value notes.
Gold dealers are using loopholes in the system to make quick buck during the cash crunch and he made use of it. The superstar has reportedly got 5 crore in cash as advance for one of his future commitments.
News about demonetisation of Rs. 1000 and Rs. 500 notes broke out before he invested that amount into something. So he used his contacts and bought 5 crore worth of gold biscuits and later joined the bandwagon of celebrities who have showered praises upon Prime Minister Modi for taking this sensational decision.