They say that one has to walk the talk and this is more applicable to the film actors who switch from one genre of image to another.
The best example for that is actor Sunil. He started his journey with itsy bitsy roles as a comedian but within no time he grew up to become a hero.
And now it looks like he is behaving like a hero outside the screen too. Recently, Sunil gave an interview for the Big FM radio channel.
Those who heard the interview noticed that there is a significant change in his voice and toning. Earlier he used to speak casually and do comedy.
Now he has changed his style and is trying to put a serious tone, more like a star.
The listeners are commenting that Sunil is trying to convey that he is not a comedian anymore but a hero. They feel it would have been better if he was himself.
By the way, this interview thing was part of his new movie ‘Bheemavaram Bullodu’s promotion.