'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' those are the words of the wise men who have tasted the bitter side of women and now the ace film maker Mani Ratnam is being forewarned about it by his own wife Suhasini Maniratnam. Let us throw more light on this for you.
There is news that the sizzling beauty Simran who was ruling the roost since a long time with her seductive looks has now got back to her acting after a long break but not much has been happening for her. So now she wants to learn the nuances of direction and soon she will be joining the camp of Mani for training. Mani agreed for it and he is engaging in talking with Simran on phone for longer hours.
That's one reason why Suhasini is said to have given a statutory warning of sorts to Mani to be wary of his acts. While someone as respectable as Mani cannot resort to such naughty things, the presence of the seductive Simran is one factor which can melt armies of strong willed men, that's the trouble. Yes, it is obvious that Suhasini is possessive of Mani.