There is no dearth for gossip in the tinsel town with a spicy rumour taking wings on each day. Of late we have been hearing lot of rumours about producers spending big bucks on heroines and heroines taking jolly rides to earn some extra bucks.
Here is another gossip that is still in the budding stage.
As per the rumour mills, a star director and a big heroine are growing closer by the day. The director is normally a very soft spoken person and stays away from all the nonsense.
He is happily married and is a family man without any linkups so far. However the director is smitten by the charm of the said heroine that he is spending lot of time chatting with her on the phone.
The actress on the other hand is also bowled over by the vast knowledge of the director that she is chanting his name all the time. Maybe this is just friendship or mutual admiration of talent, but the gossip mongers are refusing to buy it.
They started to dig deep and sure it would get spicier in short time. Wait for few more days to get more details about the couple in question.