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Shocking Cell Phone Sex Case!!

Recently, a case was filed at High Court and a wife applied for divorce against husband because she found someone else. While that looks okay to an extent, here is the inside truth. It is heard that the wife discovered this friend from a Sex chat option through mobile which is actually illegal.
Apparently, the wife got a message of sorts from one of the companies for sex chat. Curious, she said yes and in no time, the virtual relationship became real. However, the court can’t prosecute since it is done on consent. Moreover, the lady will say he is friend and go for a divorce with husband.
Most of the times, a woman’s word is final in court and there is not much value for man’s argument in these cases. So, it is the discretion of husband to allow his wife or not. Cases like these are unusual and if she complains then the sex chat business is gone but if she falls into the trap then she is gone.
Likewise, something similar can happen to a girl like it happened for the husband here. So, here is a tip. Perhaps the hubby’s name phone should be given to wife and vice versa. On the other hand, the police should take action on such virtual sex companies.