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Senior Director Becoming Headache For Producers

Talent with genius touch is always something that one would want to have but then there are times when such qualities tend to be in large quantities and the barely average thinking society would not know how to react to it.

Something like that is said to be the case of this senior director who is known for his brilliance in making movies. It is now being said by producers who are willing to work with him that they are unable to handle his eccentricities and his highly intellectual thoughts. One needs to have more energy to sit with him and face his flow of narration for hours together, say sources. Hardly people are ready to sit with such energy.

Many say that it is better for him to go and write novels and contribute for magazines than take up movie direction and cause trouble to the producers. However, there are a few who really respect him for his past record and tend to go easy when he turns a bit cranky with his thoughts. Do you wish to know who the director is? He is none other than Vamshi, say sources.