Police have been interrogating from all sides to know the actual reason behind Uday Kiran's suicide.
They say that the downfall in career is not the only reason that pushed Uday to take this fatal decision.
The information gathered by the police from the watchman turned the major source for their investigation.
It was only Uday Kiran and his wife Vishita those are living in that apartment. Watchman said that the terms are not good between the couple from quite long time.
Even in their investigation, the police found that Uday called only his friend living in Chennai on the night he committed suicide but no one else.
Uday has been suffering from various mental pains right from no films in hand, death of his mother long back, re marriage of his father with a young girl, distancing from kith and kin, etc.
It may be true that all these aspects kept Uday in low spirits but the real reason for his suicidal step is yet to be known.
On the night Uday committed suicide, his wife Vishita went to a party as per the information given.
But now police are in the process of knowing who has thrown the party and why Vishita has gone alone keeping her husband at home.
The real reason for his death will be unleashed soon.