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Rumors: Padded Brasseries for Stuffed Heroine

This young heroine has got enough of stuff on body. She has voluptuous figure and hardly needs a padded cover to project her feminine assets in better way. But now she is acting in the direction of an old man. The man is known for showing heroines in sexiest poses. Many heroines wish to act in his direction to get the tag as the 'doll of that director'.

The director has asked the costumes department to put on a padded stuff for that girl in some scenes. The costumes department said that it may look odd as she is already stuffed naturally. Then the old director said that he knows how much it should be to give great feel on big screen.

"What the hell you know about a lady's sex appeal. Today's heroines are shown with slimmest look without any stuff on body. Those girls are looking like patients. And this heroine is good at everything and there needs to be some addition between the neck and tummy", the director gave big lecture.

Generally, this director is known for silence. But in this matter he opened his mouth, as per unit members of that film.

Listening to that lecture, the costumes people added a padded bra in the costumes of that heroine. That's it!