Comedian, Chittajallu Lakshmipathi is crestfallen with the sudden demise of his director brother, Sobhan. These brothers hail from East Godavari District. As their father owned a film theatre, they developed fascination in acting and film making.
They finally came down to Hyderabad and struggled hard to have foot hold in the film industry. Lakshmipathi started eking out his living through his anchoring, while Sobhan joined the team of director Krishna Vamsi.
The two brothers have one thing in common- they excessively booze. While Lakshmipathi would drink day in day out, Sobhan would do it in the evening. Sobhan has one more vice. He is a chain smoker. Many apprehended Lakshmipathi would be prone to cardiac problems and not his brother.
'Had he been alive in my place, he would have contributed much to the industry', Lakshmipathi sobs. That's tear jerking for many.