Brahmanandam's over action has been irking everyone. Industry sources say that he is playing with new producers and also not caring established ones. He is always arriving at the shooting spot at least 30 minutes late. Everybody including the hero of the film is seen waiting for the arrival of Brahmanandam. In a recent shooting spot after the shot break the assistant director came to Brahmanandam to say, "Sir! Shot ready. Director is asking you to come". Then Brahmanandam replied, "You should say only 'shot ready'. I will not run if you say director is calling. It is me to decide when to go". He said that in his typical style and modulation as he says on silver screen.
No one understood if Brahmanandam mean it serious or he simply cracked a practical joke. But the face of assistant director is seen dull. A few in the set laughed for it assuming Brahmanandam cracked a joke.
But many are complaining that Brahmanandam is irking with his ego all the while.