Chiranjeevi's Shankar Dada Zindabad had many surprise elements in it. As the movie progressed, star after star lined up to play cameo roles. First it was Devi Sree Prasd, then Prabhu flowed and then a host of actors from Pawan Kalyan to Ravi Teja, Allu Arjun and Naga Babu appeared in brief roes. The idea was to raise audience interest in the film. But the result at the box office shows otherwise.
Now, Chiranjeevi is said to be planning a similar strategy for son Ram Charan Tej's debut film Chirutha. While this is being kept a big secret, news from the sets reveals that Chiranjeevi is indeed doing a guest appearance in the movie. And he is most likely to shake legs with his son in a song.
Ram Charan was also named to be included in a guest role in Shankardada Z. However, it was later dropped as Chiranjeevi felt that by showing a yet to debut actor in a guest role, it would do more harm than good to Chirutha and Charan.
However, in Chiranjeevi's case, the story is entirely different. His presence in Chirutha will not only be a big morale booster for his son, but it will definitely boost the fate of the film as well.