"Hero Ravi Teja is jubilant with the outcome of his film 'Krishna'. The film is overtaking all the films including Balaiah's 'Okka Magadu'. Ravi Teja's friends in the industry are happy for not only for the hit-talk of 'Krishna' but also to the lukewarm response to Balaiah's 'Okka Magadu'.
They had their own reason for this celebration. Balaiah had slapped Ravi Teja, for his unsavory comments on the former long back, which was spread as a grapevine in industry and published in several film magazines and websites. Ravi's well wishers now feel the success of Ravi Teja's film will be fitting rebuttal to Balaiah.
But Ravi Teja has his fears too. He feels his relations with Balaiah may further be strained".