Puri Jagannath and Prabhas are the top celebrities in Tollywood circuit and every body believe that they seek attention and respect at every corner in Andhra Pradesh. But that is not true always. Sometimes the bigger people who have got more money power and influence may dominate them. One such incident happened at Touch Pub in Hyderabad. A table was reserved for Prabhas and Puri Jagannath on an evening but that was given away to Vishwaveer Singh, the close friend of Touch Pub’s owner’s son. Well, many may be still in the dubious state that Touch belongs to hero Nagarjuna. He sold that to some others long ago. It seems that Vishwaveer Singh frowned and asked who Prabhas and Puri Jagannath were when their names were told by bearers initially. It seems that he never heard of those names and hence said how can they be called ‘celebrities’ and hence occupied the tables reserved by them.