Tarak who sported six pack abs in Temper is looking totally out of shape now. It is not a surprise if his new look reminds you of his Rakhi days.
It has been only two months since his last film Janatha Garage released, but NTR has put a lot of weight during this period, which is raising many eyebrows.
Too much booze, uncontrolled diet and lack of exercise is the reason for NTR’s excessive weight gain, say a few but according to few others the actor is under severe pressure as he couldn’t find the right director for his next film.
Tarak doesn’t want to let go off the momentum he has gained with Janatha Garage and hence wanted to rope in a star director for his next film.
This is the reason why he didn’t fulfill the promise made to Vakkantam Vamsi. However, NTR couldn’t succeed in having a frontline director on board for his next film as yet.
NTR is depressed that he couldn’t plan ahead of competition while other heroes have multiple projects in pipeline, they say.
We don’t know if its pleasure or pressure that is taking a toll on NTR’s fitness, but it is high time he hits the gym and gets back in shape. His current shape is only providing fodder for the gossipmongers.