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Popular Production Company In Financial Problems?

Popular Production Company In Financial Problems?

Lyca is a major production house. With the current trend of making films with budgets in the hundreds of crores at the Pan-India level, Lyca was one of the pioneers in this space. 

Every project they take on boasts a stellar combination of talent. Throughout their journey, they have experienced both hits and flops and have endured significant losses. However, Lyca remains a formidable company so far. 

But now, doubts are emerging about whether Lyca is facing financial problems.

Sometime ago, there were reports that Lyca approached a small company seeking Telugu partnership. People questioned why a company like Lyca would be looking for Telugu partners for a film with a budget of mere twenty crores. 

Now, the same company is producing a massive film, L2: Emperor, featuring stars like Mohanlal and Prithviraj. Moreover, it is a sequel to the successful film Lucifer. This film was expected to be released by the end of this month.

However, in recent weeks, doubts have surfaced regarding whether the film will be released as scheduled. It is speculated that financial difficulties are the cause of the delay. Reportedly, Gemini Film Circuits and Gokulam banner have stepped in to take over the film. 

It is quite intriguing that two different companies have come together to handle a project from a giant like Lyca. What happened to Lyca's financial muscle is the point of discussion in film circles.


Tags: Lyca