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Popular Lady Running Brothel Company

Strange are the ways of the film industry and the people involved in it. While some have the real sense of treating movies as an art, it appears that there are a few who are more of a wolf wearing a lamb's skin. One classic example for this is this well known actress who was a known heroine too.

Incidentally, she has come out with some of the most memorable performances on the screen but then off the screen, she has been busy running a sophisticated escort services in secrecy. The clients are only those who are known to her personally and reports say that she has been on with this from quite a while. It's a kind of secret society, sources say.

To make sure that things go wrong, it is heard that she has now taken the support of some political forces and this reminds us of screen-acts of the hot vamp of yesteryears Y Vijaya who was an expert in playing the role of an escort runner for high profile politicians and villains on the screen.