Despite having no hits to his credit, he is the busiest hero in Tollywood at the moment. He always has half a dozen films in the pipeline irrespective of the result of his previous film.
Rumor mills say that this hero charges very less or sometimes doesn’t even take any remuneration which is why the producers are running after him.
However signing up a lot of films is taking toll on this hero as he is forced to work two shifts a day to complete his huge lineup of films. This is also affecting the quality of the product, claims the buzz.
Few directors are unhappy with the tired look of the hero, who almost sleepwalks during the shoot. This hero doesn’t even agree to change his look as it would cause continuity problems to other films that he working on.
Directors are not happy with the hero’s greediness in signing up films. If the buzz is to be believed, he is paying deaf ear to his well wishers who advices him to do one film at a time.