Has NTR Jr become the highest paid actor in Tollywood?
Well, if the rumour that we got to hear turns out to be true, then he is indeed the highest paid star.
As per tinsel ville insiders, PVP group has signed a three film contract with NTR. And the signing amount is a whopping Rs 50 crore.
This means that NTR will be making Rs 17 crore per film -- which is unheard of till now in the Telugu industry.
However, such multi-film deals are quite common in Bollywood. But NTR will set a trend of sorts in Telugu.
An average NTR film with all the rights included makes anything between Rs 40 to Rs 50 crore.
If the film becomes a hit, then it makes more money.
Since NTR has proven to have this kind of stamina at the box office, a three film deal will mean that a package can be offered to the buyers.
Even if one film fails, they can make their money with the other film. Since it’s a win-win situation for the buyers, they will be more than willing to buy the films.