Nayanatara is easily one of the best actresses in South cinema at the moment. She can play the Sita in Ramayana and also can flaunt her assets in a bikini.
People love to see her in any kind of character which is the reason why she is in high demand. Nayanatara is already among the highest paid actresses in South cinema industry.
Producers are willing to pay 2.5 crore to Nayanatara as she can singlehandedly make a film work wonders at the box office.
Despite the high salary Nayanatara is still not satisfied with what she has been getting. As per rumor mills she has hiked her paycheck yet again and is demanding 4 crore for a film.
Such outrageous demands are scaring producers away says the buzz. Even some noted heroes are not getting 4 crore these days. Two low budget films can be made with that amount.
No one doubts her crowd pulling capabilities but no producer would like to allot 4 crore for a heroine. Demands like these can put Nayan in a fix as the producers will go for other star heroines that are available for affordable rates.