What is the box-office range of hero Nani - Rs 30 Cr or Rs 15 Cr? After the massive hit of "Bhale Bhale Magadivoy" that has grossed nearly Rs 30 Cr, Nani started telling everyone that he has now market of Rs 25 Cr+.
Some producers believed this claim as "Bhale Bhale Magadivoy" was a unanimous hit in all areas.
But his potential has come crashing down with the release of "Krishna Gaadi Veera Prema Gaadha".
The film has completed its first week run today. At end of the first week, the film's collection in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana states is anything but rosy.
Except Overseas, where the movie has grossed impressive 570k dollars in its first week, "Krishna Gaadi Veera Prema Gaadha" posted below par collections.
In Nizam, the film received less than Rs 2.50 Cr in its first week. By end of first week, the movie in AP and TS has collected about Rs 6 Cr.
It has to compete with Sunil's "Krishnashtami" in its second week, so the movie might end up in Rs 10 cr range. So what is real potential of Nani's movies in AP and TS? To know perhaps we have to see the performance of his next movie.