No names to be taken here but then a reliable talk has been making rounds in the industry about an elderly producer aged about 50 years is very popular for his libido, so much so that there has never been an actress in the industry who has missed the lust of his words though he comes across as a very saintly person and gives refined statements in front of the media.
The news is that this director has been accommodating a heroine who is barely 27 years old, exactly half his age and the fact is he has actually signed her for one of the films he is producing. Since then he has been taking care of her in every way possible and has been rewarding her for the services he is getting in return from her. Interestingly, the heroine charges around 4-5 lakhs per film and just in this single film, she is said to have received around 45 Lakhs not just for her acting but also for the other things she has been offering.
It is also heard that the actress has been sharing with her intimate friends that she has no regrets and backs up her statement by saying there are many in the industry who exploit you and give you nothing in return but here is one man who makes use of you in every way but ensures that you get paid for what you will normally paid for about ten films in one go. Well, when the producer is happy and the heroine too, it is a call that has to be taken by the public to let it go or hang around it.