Telugu media, particularly, the electronic media, has given more than required publicity for Megastar Chiranjeevi's daughter Srija and her newly-married companion Sirish Bharadwaj, obviously to ensure that their TRP ratings go up.
Now that the Srija-Sirish episode has lost its steam, the mediapersons are trying to probe into newer angles in their married life. The only interesting thing they are looking for is where the couple are planning their honeymoon.
It is learnt the managements of these TV channels had given instructions to their reporters to get closer to the couple to learn more interesting things from them. When they were in New Delhi, the TV journalists vied with one another to develop intimacy with Srija and Sirish or the sources helping them. While one reporter tried to use his influence to get an appointment for them with the Chief Minister, other reporter arranged sweets for Srija on her birthday. Another reporter suggested that they celebrate the birthday at India Gate by firing crackers. Yet another TV channel reporter took the couple to a temple.
The objective of all these reporters was only one thing: to find out from them, at least informally; if not before the camera, as to where they would like to go on a honeymoon. But Srija and Sirish turned out to be smarter than they expected. Despite maintaining so much intimacy with the media friends, they did not divulge their honeymoon plan or did not leave even a hint. Pretty clever, aren't they?