Akkineni Nagarjuna's 'Meelo Evaru Koteswarudu' has become a big hit. MEK has been ruling the TRP's right from the beginning and Nagarjuna has become Television Superstar.
MEK is effecting the film industry a lot as the theater owners are complaining that the second shows count has started to fall from some time now.
MAA TV has invested a lot on 'Meelo Evaru Koteeswarudu' and they were tensed at the initial stages and were in second thoughts to spend huge amount of money on this program.
As per the reports, expenditure of this show is close to 30 lakhs per day and they are to generate revenue of 50-60 lakhs from the advertisements and sponsors.
This is huge for a TV show and Nagarjuna should be appreciated for his splendid performance as a host.
Telugu people are loving this program and Nagarjuna has surprised everyone with his lively chats with the contestants.