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Life-Threats For Suhasini Mani Rathnam?

Life-Threats For Suhasini Mani Rathnam?

Film reviewers get life threats now and then. They are being treated as anti-cine elements by some groups in film industry. There was a much discussed incident when a film reviewer was made write a review by cine-goondas by threatening him with a knife. And in other instance, a producer threatened another reviewer on phone but ended up saying 'sorry' within few hours knowing his mistake. But now, the renowned actress Suhasini Mani Rathnam turned a film critic. She is blasting new Tamil releases and analyzing every aspect. She is ready to do the same for Telugu films as well. So is she prone for life threats in near future? Will such threats work?

"Many advised me to keep away from such things but I take this as a challenge", said the actress. She also said, "I spare none of the films but criticize sensibly".

She also conveyed that anybody can criticize her films for sure and she is open for that. Indeed, that's how the quality improves, dudes!!! Life-threats cannot be solution for every thing. In this media-driven democracy they generally boomerang slowly if not immediately.