Film industry is similar to ringa ringa roses. One thing leads to the other and everything is linked to everything else in some way or the other.
Recently, few producers had decided that they will not spend any money on promoting their films and that they will give their ads to only certain channels and media houses.
Okay days after that, a new bit of gossip is doing rounds in Film Nagar. And the topic of discussion is Rs 25 lakhs that producer Bandla Ganesh had spent for promoting his film Temper. Apparently, Bandla had spent that money to get positive ratings and positive rankings for his film.
Now, one will never know the truth, but the gossip has come out after he sent across personal messages to media people saying that he had nothing to do with the decision of the said top producers.
Now, it is being said that based on such unnecessary costs and such irresponsible producers, that such a decision has been taken by the big four.
Well, the industry only needs a reason to start off gossip and this is the latest one doing rounds.