Lately, a lot of gossip is making rounds and this has to do with prime star Jagapathi Babu and the buxom beauty Priyamani. Both have been pairing up quite regularly for movies and many say that their off-screen chemistry has also been quite sparkling which has led to few strong talks.
However, Jagapathi Babu has been open in his views on Priyamani. He admitted his love for acting with her and reiterated that they are very good friends and that’s why the chemistry. These statements were heard at the Kalaniketan premises where the audio platinum disc function was held.
This was for the film ‘Sadhyam’ which is gearing up to hit the screens the coming week. While many are appreciating the honest nature of Jagapathi Babu in this matter, some are still saying that it is not just friendship but something more. Well, we leave that to your discretion folks.