A scientific discovery is made and immediately there are few who insist it was all there in our Puranas. Well, that could be true as world thinkers have acknowledged the same.
But our Telugu industry cannot be left behind when it comes to making similar claims. They insist there is hardly any subject that our Telugu film-makers haven’t touched.
Okay, the latest claim from the industry is that the story of PK is nothing but a modern-day, upgraded version of our very own Jagadeka Veerudu Atiloka Sundari.
Okay, if you haven’t got it yet, here are some pointers. Sridevi comes to earth from a different world and loses her ring here which is crucial for her entry back home. There is a bad tantrik who wants to sacrifice her to goddess for supernatural powers. What next is the story.
Well, in PK Aamir comes from a different planet. And he loses the remote that can take him back to his planet. And like in JVAS, there is a bald-pated Swamiji in PK who tries to scuttle his plans.
So to put it in one line, PK is a more intellectual and modern version of JVAS. Since the audiences have advanced over the years, Aamir’s thoughts are more of a dialogue with the audience. Also, to reach beyond the B.C centres, they have added some fun.
We hope you get their line of thought right?