Good actors are good for a reason. They are usually much better actors in real life than on screen.
Well, Samantha confesses that she does try to laugh and cover up her anger at times.
If what she says has to be believed, then there are times when she puts up a happy, jovial face despite giving the choicest of gaalis in her mind.
When asked how she can always be so happy without being angry, Samantha says, “Who says I don’t get angry? Of course I do, but I don’t show it. I curse the person in my mind.”
Apparently, she gets really irked when she is asked questions which she does not like. “A director once tortured me on purpose by making me repeat a scene for half-an-hour. At the time, I called him a rascal, stupid, scoundrel, pig, rat and bewakoof in my mind. That’s how I show my anger,” says Samantha.
So, now you know the secret behind her smile!