Film industry is full of instances where in people enter the industry in a rather gullible fashion. Usually, such people are praised to the skies by people around them and they end up believing in their 'looks' and their 'acting talent'.
It's a different story that not everyone bitten by this bug survive in the industry, but for one success story, there are at least hunderds who end up nowhere. And many others keep trying till they end up somewhere.
Right now, a producer is going through this phase. In reality, he is not a gentleman from the film industry.
He is from a totally different profession and financially sound. But thanks to an acquaintance from the industry, he ended up being a chance producer of a film.
Through his film, he introduced a comedian as a hero. While the film did not give him huge profits, he did break even. Encouraged by the success, he produced his second film and this time, he ended up playing a full-length role in the film.
The film's press show was held. Setting aside how the final product turned out, he was surrounded by people who were all praise for his performance.
In fact, one media person who worked on the film literally went one step further and said that his was the most natural performance he had seen and added that while many producers put in guest roles, the said producer had excelled himself by playing a full-length role. The embarrassed producer in question thanked them all profusely.
Now, the producer is looking to make his third film. There is gossip that he would not settle for anything less than an equal role to the hero in it. And many feel he is smitten enough to play the lead by the time he produces his fourth film.
Well, that's indeed the magic of arc lights!