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Homely Heroine ‘Escorting’ At Rs 2 Lakhs

There was a time when the escorting service was meant to be a trade for the women who had no other means of livelihood. But today, the world has changed and escort service is a means to make more money than what they make in their actual profession. Usually, the buzz is that many cine ladies tend to find this a lucrative line.

As part of this, here is one actress who is known for her homely looks but high sex appeal. The sources reveal that this pretty starlet is willing to offer her services but this comes at a cost. Apparently, the ‘service’ charges would be Rs 2 lakhs and she is okay to escort for foreign countries as well.

While no names can be given, here is a clue or two for you to guess. She is a budding actress who is a non Telugu and is just one film old. Soon, she will be arriving with yet another movie and few of her other films are in cold storage due to various issues. She has dabbled with films in the southern circuit as well.