Wise men say that wine, woman and wealth prove to be the 'sammohanastraalu' at any time on earth and amongst the three, the power of woman is the most intoxicating and at the same time a very fatal weapon too and now this is said to be the tool that is being employed by the politicians.
Incidentally, it is known news that with the current political scenario and also the impending elections, political parties have been trying to rope in powerful leaders and other party bearers from opposition parties into their camp and in this process, it is heard that they are resorting to the woman power to ensure that they are able to get their chosen ones.
It is heard that some big heroines and famous actresses are being used to lure politicians into bed first and then into the party. This goes to show to what kind of extent our political system is swooping in the so called democracy just to achieve their personal agendas and motives. We already know how money and wine are buying votes and seats. Now women are also being used. The names of the heroines are yet to come out.