Tattoos have become the latest fashion and the film folks are often the first ones to adopt these styles. It is being noted that many starlets including those in the top most league have taken to the tattoos in a big way and they have been getting their body done with tattoos at some of the most sensuous spots.
In this process, the petite beauty Trisha also has got a tattoo near her cleavage and it has been quite a while since she has got it done. It is heard that her friends are saying that this has got boring and it is time for change. So that is said to have got Trisha thinking about it and now she is said to have decided to get her tattoo changed.
While she is busy trying to figure out ways and means to erase the existing one and get a new one, folks say that her return from Australia will have some surprises in store for her fans and followers. Currently,the pretty girl is busy holidaying in the beautiful Australian shores.