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Heroine Prefers Only Her Home?

The lifestyle of a charming heroine usually tends to be nomadic as she is expected to travel to various places, meet different people, have discussions on various things like stories, offers etc. So, it is natural that most of the times, the heroines are out of their home.
But here is one heroine who prefers only her home for ‘any’ talks or meetings, those who are working with her reveal “Madam does not prefer any other place than her home. As such, she is more comfortable doing all work related activities in her home rather than going to public places or meeting up at unknown points.”
They add “She is perhaps one of those very rare heroines to entertain visitors at home. But what to do? That’s her nature and that’s where she feels more comfortable. In a way, even the visitors have a homely atmosphere feeling instead of having meetings and discussions at hotels or guest houses or offices.”