The magic pill Viagra has become a god given gift to many men who have been suffering from some major inferiority complexes when it comes to their sex lives and are making them the wild bulls on bed. While the pill is meant only for the aged ones, its glamour has been pulling in the younger lot too.
With so much of couch casting happening in the film industry, it is but necessary that the senior stars in the industry will need some external help and Viagra is the answer for them. It is heard that there is one senior star in the fraternity who has a very different treatment when it comes to the aphrodisiac.
Grapevine say that the senior hero mixes up Viagra in Whisky and consumes it and then it takes him on a real high since the potent pill is added with some fine quality spirit. Though this formula might be working for him, please don't try this at home. It's ill-affects are not known yet.