Narsing Yadav, who plays comical gangster on screen, has gained enviable stardom. While he and hero Saikumar were on sets of a film, he received hundreds of his fans every day. 'You enjoy more reputation than I', Saikumar repeatedly praised him. To recall Narisng Yadav past, he was a small time goon in real life too. His area of operation was Koti. He was the uncrowned leader of push cart vendors in the market. He trimmed his muscles in Hanuman Vyaayamasaala in the same area. He sneaked into acting accidentally. His inimitable comedy in 'Kshanam Kshanam' brought him much recognition. His study ended with primary school. He, however, managed to marry a beautiful software Engineer from Bangalore. This is another point of envy for others. The leaders of his (Yadav) community are now planning to drag him into politics.