There is this Tollywood hero who had recently turned a producer. Well, if his film would have been a hit and if the film made money, then things would have been totally different.
All would have been well. But when the film ends up being a box office dud and the producer loses money, then it becomes a story to remember.
And if the producer is the front and if the money has been pumped in by his brother-in-law, then things are bound to go awry once huge money is lost.
So in this case, the said brother-in-law used to produce films. But eventually, he invested money for the hero out of family pressure. And unfortunately for him, things haven't gone their way and two films have been huge flops.
One film had the hero in the lead and the film was a very big flop. Next, the hero made a film with another hero and the blame game for the film's box office disaster still continues. But once again, the hero and his brother-in-law lost huge money.
Things have come to a point where the brother-in-law and the hero had huge fights in the hero's office. Talk is that their fights have become the talking point in the entire lane where the office is located, not to mention Film Nagar.
Now, the hero has taken off to London for peace of mind. He is said to be troubled by his fights with his brother-in-law than losing money. Well, when money comes into the picture, relationships are bound to get strained.
And so is the case with the hero and his brother-in-law.