He is a top hero, hailing form a big family which is supposed to respect women and their sentiments. But this gentleman displays a different shade of him while treating women on sets. In fact, he disclosed his true colours rather openly as to what he is and how deals with women.
When it comes to heroines, he treats them as if they are his slaves. One such heroine had to face a lot of troubles from him recently.The heroine acted with this hero and became closer to him, since it was common in the film industry.
But after the completion of the movie, the hero had not lost his lust on her. And he started harassing her, forcing her to come to him whenever he wanted. She was helpless, as he is a big hero in the industry; she could not complain to anybody nor did she raise a hue and cry.
This hero doesn’t care anybody; so, there was none who could stop his overtures towards her.This has gone to such an extent that when the heroine was on sets of another film, this hero suddenly appeared there and forced her to accompany him.
He created a nuisance when hundreds of people were watching. The heroine was in such a pathetic situation that she had no option but to yield to his pressures, lest he would have dragged her out of sets.
She politely explained her situation to the director and silently followed the hero. The director and others on the sets could not utter a word when he was forcibly taking her out from the shooting spot. Having no other way, they had to pack up the shooting and leave the place!